Riverside, CA – The World Mission Society Church of God hosted an education for leaders on July 7, 2024 at the Riverside location. More than 500 members gathered from all over California, Nevada and Phoenix to unite and grow through this leadership education. On the first day of the week, after keeping the Sabbath day at their local churches, to study a range of topics including; etiquette, church organization, and about the kingdom of God.

The event aimed to enhance the standards members of the Leaders who are at the forefront of the work of Church of God. The leaders are the face of an organization. They serve as role models for all members, encouraging them in their lives of faith. Hence the education of Leaders is also the education of all members.

One of the main topics of education was the etiquette that we follow as members of the Church of God when approaching people. On a daily basis, we can’t avoid meeting people, who are drained by the worries of this life or going through hardship/struggles. So, we should be a refreshing drink as we meet these people and share the love of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother with them. Through the education all leaders were able to reexamine their actions and correct them to be a better tool for God’s work.

In the history of the Bible, there were great leaders like Moses and Joshua who in the midst of all the grumbling Israelites were able to depend on God and thank God. Gratitude as a source of power to move God and bring positive results to the Church we are in. David also though a mere man like us was able to repent earnestly to stay close to God was also mentioned as an example for all leaders to follow. It was a great opportunity to help refocus our attention to the Kingdom of Heaven and God.

The Church of God regularly hosts education such as these for leaders throughout the world. Even leaders sometimes might lose focus on the goal to which Christ has called them and may become conceited. So, as Jesus instructed in Matthew 28:20 to teach others to obey everything He commanded. Following the example of Jesus the Church of God members make every effort to resemble God. God is gentle and humble (Mt 11:29), therefore the leaders in the Church of God want to create this atmosphere all around the members in their local churches. Leaders, from various locations of Church of God, traveled as far as Las Vegas and Phoenix to attend the event and have fellowship with each other.

God, who created all things, set a certain organization in place, from the smallest atoms to the vast universe everything has order. By following God’s command, attendees learned to lead more effectively by first becoming servants like Christ.

Many attendees shared gracious realizations they received from the education.

“Through this education, I was reminded of the importance of following God’s example. A key point that stood out to me is that decision-making is vertical, but once a decision is made, actions are horizontal. This is what makes me love the Church of God. Regardless of how long someone has been with the church, you can see everyone working together in unity and love.” David Ceja, Temecula, CA

With a firm resolution to remain steadfast in faith and eager to serve God the event concluded.

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