On Sunday, March 16, 2025, the World Mission Society Church of God in Fresno, California hosted a blood drive alongside support from the Central California Blood Center. Members participated from churches in Bakersfield, Sacramento and San Francisco with some even coming as far as Santa Rosa to participate in the event.

This marked the 1579th Worldwide blood drive the Church of God has carried out. Blood is essential for medical procedures, surgeries, and treating illnesses like cancer and accidents. Since blood is not able to be manufactured, it must be donated, and one donation is able to save three lives. In total, there were about 150 donors, meaning a total of 450 lives were able to be saved through the participation of the volunteers and the members!

“During the weekend, we see the least amount of donors, resulting in a deficit at the beginning of the week,” Central California Blood Center Senior Director of Marketing and Operations Marius Witzoe said. “Through this blood drive, we will be better prepared to start the week.”

Every two seconds, somebody in the United States needs blood, so carrying out activities such as these is essential to help save lives in the local areas.

An Eventful Day of Saving Lives

The blood donation began at 8 am and Chuch of God volunteers and blood bank workers gathered from 6:30 am to make preparations.

The final round of donations concluded at 3:30 pm, and there were multiple events throughout the day to keep the guests busy.

There was a photo booth with blood-drive-related props as well as a face painting booth to keep the young children occupied. Lunch was served as well as snacks and drinks throughout the day to make sure everybody was well-fed.

Beginning from 10 am, there were short performances every hour until 2 pm. The performances included a children’s Korean fan dance wearing a traditional Korean Hanbok, a male quartet, and a dance team that performed for the first time. Additionally, a skit that included characters playing roles with different blood types.

A few young students showcased their TaeKwonDo skills and broke pieces of wood in front of the audience while two female members showcased their talents with a special ribbon dance as well.

During the 1 pm hour, the choir and orchestra performed a total of eight songs, with some of them as Church of God New Songs, as well as a traditional tango titled “La Cumparsita.”

Saving Lives With Blood in Preparation for the Passover

In December 2024, the Church of God in Fresno, CA also hosted a blood drive with over 100 pints collected. The four churches in San Francisco, Bakersfield, Sacramento and Fresno were awarded the President’s Volunteer Service Award for their efforts.

This time, the Church of God hosted the event in preparation for the Passover. According to Jesus’ teaching in John 6:53-54 and Matthew 26:17-28, the Passover is the feast where Christ gave us his blood for the forgiveness of sins.

As a way of giving back, the members hosted the blood drive to give blood to the community and save lives in the process as a way of sharing love with their neighbors in the local community. It was also a way of putting Mother’s Teaching into practice: “As God always gives love, giving love is more blessed than receiving love.”

During the event, two precious souls were able to receive a new life through baptism and feel the love of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Truly, many lives were saved this day, physically and spiritually!

The Church of God hopes to continue to pattern with the Central California Blood Center to continue with the lifesaving cause.

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