God constantly gives us something on this Earth. However, we cannot save it, hold on to it, or stop it from happening. Among our most precious and finite possessions is time. Every day, God grants us 86,400 seconds. How can we optimize and fill our time on this earth with the utmost meaning and purpose?

The 2nd San Diego Church of God located in Chula Vista held a bible seminar on Thursday, December 7th, 2023 entitled “We Still Have Time”. With over 50 attendants, guests were greeted warmly at the door with bright faces. Beginning with the church introduction video, they were impressed by the many activities and services the World Mission Society Church of God has accomplished.

Afterward, the perspective of time was compared to dollars. If we were given $86,400 then we would use it wisely. It is the same with time. With each day that God gives us, we should also use it for God and not waste it on meaningless pursuits.

We Still Have Time
During the seminar, the hosts asked “What kind of time do we still have?” They then explained about the Doomsday Clock made by scientists which is nearly 90 seconds away from the destruction of all mankind. The seminar then went into the history of Jerusalem.

Jesus prophesied that Jerusalem will one day be destroyed and it was fulfilled in AD 70. However, only the Christians were saved by fleeing to Pella because Jesus gave the warning to flee to the mountains when the armies surrounded Jerusalem. Jesus also gave a warning about the last days and provided a way to be protected through the Passover of the New Covenant.  

Time Together
Shortly after the seminar, the guests and guides were able to snack together and study deeper words of God. Many were able to realize God’s earnestness in the time we have left.

One guest, Kellyanne, stated the seminar reminded her to be aware of current events because “the Bible did say there would be wars and rumors of wars, and that is happening right now.” She loved studying with the Church of God and “loves the way we teach the Bible” and “encourages everyone to understand the Bible and learn more about God.”

Another guest, Alexandra, stated the seminar was “an eye-opener” for her and made her realize that she “should be paying more attention to this.” She learned more about the Church of God and “realized you (Church of God) do so much” around the world. Alexandra is “interested in knowing more” and excited to return.

Through the seminar, many people were able to realize what the World Mission Society Church of God does throughout the world and the importance of receiving protection through the Passover before time runs out.

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