Honolulu, HI – On January 23, 2025, members of the ASEZ WAO Honolulu chapter partnered with the Hawaii Food Bank to help address food insecurity in the local community. Hawaii Food Bank is Hawaii’s largest hunger relief organization, expanding their services with the goal to “end hunger tomorrow. Together.” About 1 in 3 households suffer from food insecurity today, but the Hawaii Food Bank has the motto to end world hunger tomorrow. In the same way, ASEZ WAO volunteers share the same ambition to end world hunger. More than a dozen ASEZ WAO volunteers gathered at the food warehouse to sort and package non-perishable goods, which will be distributed to families in need across the islands.
ASEZ WAO’s Mission

ASEZ WAO, the young adult worker volunteer group of the World Mission Society Church of God, is dedicated to practicing love and service both in their workplaces and within their communities. Through volunteering, they spread the love of Heavenly Mother and take on global challenges with a deep sense of ownership and responsibility, especially when it comes to tackling pressing issues such as hunger. Through the food packing event, volunteers were able to practice God’s teaching to love your neighbor as yourself. ASEZ stands for “Saving the Earth from A to Z” and WAO stand for “We are one family.” Putting it together, ASEZ WAO’s mission is to “save the earth from the beginning to end as one family.” Similarly, the people of Hawaii are “one ohana,” meaning one family. By partnering together, volunteers alike had the one mind to serve the same family, with the goal that nobody in the family goes hungry.

Working With A Thankful Mind

The volunteers worked diligently and with a strong sense of purpose, being thankful for the opportunity to help others. “We give thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for allowing us to serve and make a difference,” said one volunteer. By participating in this event, the ASEZ WAO members not only provided immediate assistance to those facing hunger, but also strengthened their commitment to creating a better, more compassionate world.
The Hawaii Food Bank praised the volunteers for their efforts, noting that their hard work is essential in meeting the growing needs of Hawaii’s underserved communities. ASEZ WAO volunteers pray that continuous partnerships may be planned for the future, so that the dream to end world hunger may be soon accomplished!