ASEZ STAR (“Saving the Earth from A to Z” and “Students Take Action Now”) is an international volunteer group consisting of World Mission Society Church of God students from all around the world. The World Mission Society Church of God students that are part of the ASEZ STAR group partnered with the City of Hayward in effort to “Keep Hayward Clean & Green.”

In order to do this, the students participated in the “Adopt-A-Block Program,” which is a program that allows local organizations to adopt a street and clean it regularly. It’s not a “one-time deal,” but rather it is a continuing project, all depending on the will of the organization that “adopts the block.” By taking part in this, they are able to contribute to reducing environmental pollution and reduce crime associated with an unkempt community.
Church of God Students in the San Francisco area united together to commit themselves to cleaning their adopted street monthly. These students not only show God’s glory through their good deeds in school, but also outside of school by dedicating their free time to bettering their local communities. Over ten students participated in the street cleanups, which they have already started in November 2023. They clean the streets by removing litter, reporting graffiti, weed control, and regular up-keeping and they are constantly looking so joyful and energetic while doing it!

2000 years ago, Jesus Christ said “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (Matthew 13:15). Now, following Christ’s example, students such as these are rising throughout the world to set an example of how to serve others with humility and kindness. Their efforts will surely make an impact in the local community and beyond.
Heavenly Father and Mother constantly teach all mankind to love their neighbors as themselves. ASEZ STAR puts Their teachings into practice by having love for their local community and taking action to show that love. Although they may be busy with school work, friends, family, and extracurricular activities, ASEZ STAR students are able to grow immensely in faith by participating in such impactful work. By taking time every month to serve their neighbors and learning how to be humble like our Heavenly Father and Mother, even our youngest generation can be the greatest influencers to the whole world.