On Sunday, September 10, 2023, ASEZ STAR, the Church of God Student Volunteer Group in San Diego, carried out the 7,413th worldwide cleanup. The group of student volunteers partnered with the Parks and Recreation Department of the city to organize this clean up, which gathered about 300 students and young adults to beautify the island by picking up trash.
The event began at 10 am and all students were filled with excitement and bright spirits to be able to contribute to their community and glorify God through their good deeds. Though the school year had just begun, they did not hesitate to do something for others and use their time for the benefit of the global village.
Many student members of the church also brought along their friends from school and they really enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the volunteer service with ASEZ STAR. One middle schooler said, “I really liked the experience and meeting new people. The environment was great with everyone being so open to talking to each other and everyone seemed to have a great time.”

By taking action to clean up the coastal environment, the effort of ASEZ STAR was broadcast on the local news and they were able to bring awareness to the Blue Carbon Initiative. This Initiative aims to mitigate the effects of climate change by making efforts to conserve and restore the coastal regions.
ASEZ STAR Supporters in San Diego
Because of this environmental action, there were members even from the local government who came out in support of ASEZ STAR. A representative from the office of California Assembly Member Tasha Boerner shared how thankful she was to the Church of God and all its volunteer organizations for the tireless care of our shared environment. Another representative, U.S. Congressman Scott Peter, emphasized the importance of the young volunteers carrying out this kind of work because they are the future.

All the volunteers received awards from the San Diego District 2 Supervisor for this event. ASEZ STAR will continue to carry out volunteer services to glorify God even in their youth!