Thanks to the grace of our Heavenly Father and Mother, the World Mission Society Church of God in Riverside was able to host a summer camp for the student group (ISBA) on July 21, 2024. The ISBA camp consisted of educational sessions in the morning, where students were able to learn, preach, and realize the truth of the Bible. In addition, they were able to participate in a planet spray-painting activity and also had the experience of doing an escape room! In just a couple of weeks the students go back to school after the summer vacation. However, before that time comes, they were all given the blessed opportunity to dwell in the word of God and enjoy unity time together.

Through the educational sessions, the students were reminded that they shouldn’t be looked down upon because of their youth. Instead, they should build their own faith, realizing how blessed they are to be brought into the truth by their parents. As the saying goes, “easy come, easy go,” all the members realized the importance of appreciating the great blessing of being part of the great Church of God as future gospel workers. Many members who are now adults in the Church of God shared their experiences of being baptized as students and growing in faith. They encouraged the students by allowing them to realize that they are not alone in facing trials, temptations, hardships, and suffering, and gave uplifting words on how to overcome.

Furthermore, the students were able to participate in an escape room with the theme of exposing an organization of falsehood. The students learned to work together in unity to solve puzzles and use their knowledge of the Bible to uncover the location of the false organization. Through this activity, they were able to realize the importance of unity, knowledge of the truth, and brotherly love to work together. In addition, students were able to be given the hope for heaven by being able to customize their planets through a spray-painting planet activity. Though they are young and still learning about how the world works, they too have the great hope to enter heaven and live in eternal happiness.

Lastly, they were able to watch a short video that depicted a summer camp in Korea during the early stages of the World Mission Society Church of God. They were able to hear a passionate speech by a student sister, who greatly realized the truth and the value of being in the Church of God. She had the firm determination to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, just like the Bible prophecy says. The students were also encouraged to follow the Lamb wherever He goes after hearing the sister’s speech.

Thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother for allowing the opportunity for the summer camp to happen and allowing the students to grow in faith together. Through this, the students are given motivation to overcome all trials, and encouragement that their role in the Church of God is very important. They are truly the future of the gospel!

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