The Path That Leads to God

I have always been a believer that God is always directing my path and leading me to where God wants me to go.  Although I wasn’t raised to be very religious, I always had an idea that my successes were dependent on God who granted blessings.  I always felt connected to God even in the midst of turmoil… until I entered college.   That was when I began to question my purpose and I also began to question Christianity as a whole.  The feeling of curiosity intensified when I transferred to a private Christian college.  I began to study the Old Testament, the New Testament, and took many foundation courses as part of the curriculum.  The more I learned in class, the more I questioned if people were truly following God. 

They acknowledged that the Sabbath day was Saturday but then continued to say that we were supposed to keep Sunday worship.  I was utterly confused.  Why is it that people are not keeping the true day of worship? Why is it that churches are following customs that are not in the Bible?  I often questioned if I was even a Christian.  At the same time, I was playing sports and I had aspirations of playing professional basketball.  As I stood at a crossroads, even playing basketball felt purposeless. 

It was at that time, right after graduation, that a close friend delivered the word of God to me.  I did a few studies and each study opened my eyes to what true Christianity looked like.  I was learning so much and I was compelled to make a change in my life.  It almost seemed far-fetched to be a part of a church this amazing.  Not only have I been enlightened with the words of God, but I have become a much more well-rounded person. Although I may have never played professional basketball.  I attained something far better — Salvation.  Not only that but now I am strengthened in the fact that the path God led me down was the path leading me to God Elohim.

Church of God member Cameron Nettles