The Path of A New Life

As I look back on my past, I remember the time when I received a new life in the Church of God. I was only 18 years old. We can say it was not my own timing, but rather it was God’s perfect time for me to accept the truth. My perspective about life fully changed and made a huge turn. I attended church my whole life and thought that I was doing God’s will the whole time. I boasted about how I never missed Sunday services and how active I was in that organization. After some time, my sister invited the whole family including myself to have a bible study with the Church of God. We studied about the Sabbath Day (Saturday) and how it was the correct day to worship God. Everything was verified through the Bible, so I truly couldn’t deny it! Instantly I felt several emotions of regret, sadness, and overall I was in complete shock because at that moment, I realized I had been worshipping a false god.

As I am given this time to reflect on the past, I am forever grateful to God the Father and Mother, because they have opened my spiritual eyes as well as my entire family’s. Through God’s grace, we have been blessed to understand the truths in the Bible. As I was in the infant stages of my faith, Heavenly Father and Mother have opened my eyes more to learn and study more about the commandments of God and most importantly, God who has come in the flesh as the Spirit and the Bride, and gave us the free gift of the water of life (Rev 22:17).

Furthermore, I realized greatly the love of God towards this sinner. Not only have they granted me eternal life, but they continuously bestow so much grace, mercy and love even at this very moment. For the past 10 years, I can honestly say that I made the best decision of my life to become a member of the World Mission Society Church of God. With 100 percent faith, I will endlessly walk the right path with God and devoting myself to this gospel until the very end.

Church of God member Erika Granpil