The Only Way We Can Really Know Is Through the Bible

There are many people who claim to believe in God. There are many people who claim to carry out the works of God and display God’s glory through their own standards and deeds. Then the question arises, “Are they really?” “Am I, myself, doing what God is pleased with”? These were the thoughts and questions I had before I came to the World Mission Society Church of God.

“The only way we can really know is through the Bible,” replied a member of from the Church of God.

Before I studied the Bible and before I came to know God, I always wanted attention and popularity. I was ambitious for materialistic things but had no idea of whether or not I was pleasing God. This shows that human standards are not by any means the way to come to know or please God. I then started studying with the Church of God.

I came to know who God is and what it is that pleases God. All my questions, doubts and concerns were answered through the Bible. Since then, I have come to witness that the loving Church of God members truly display God’s love through their deeds, in accordance with God’s will. This is a church that is active in blood drives, clean-ups, bible studies, family events, orchestra events, etc. You name it. It is truly a place where you can call home and gather with family.

Just I have received the love of God, I too want to share the love of God with anyone who thirsts for the water of life.