The Joy and Happiness We Found Through The Church of God

Growing up, I started wondering why I had faith in God. Every time I went to church, I felt like something was missing. There were many beliefs of Christianity, but only one caught my attention at the moment: baptism. Back then, I desired to be baptized in the church I used to attend because I remember reading that I could receive a new life through baptism. However, an unexpected event occurred that prevented me from getting baptized. I remember crying and asking my mom if I could please get baptized another time. One day, I went to the library to print my college essay.

I ran into a couple of church members while walking who wanted to share with me the words of God. Even though I was busy, I stopped to listen. The member asked, “Would you like to know how to receive eternal life?:” a question someone had never asked me before. I curiously said, “Yes.” After explaining to me from the Bible to get this answer, it all led to one action I needed to take. It was baptism. She asked, ” Would you like to receive baptism right now?” Without hesitation, I accepted, even though it was late in the evening when I heard this message. I hurriedly followed them to the Church of God with joy and excitement to get baptized. After my baptism, I finally understood that the new life I received was the gift of God, eternal life. 

With much joy and excitement in my heart, I immediately shared the good news with my husband, but he did not accept the truth directly. Instead, he casually talked about the words of God in the Bible but refused to go to church. Two years had passed, and it was around the time to celebrate Passover. I told my husband the importance of celebrating Passover, and he agreed to come to church to celebrate the Passover. Amazingly, from that day on, he began to go to church faithfully and take care of other members with a sincere heart. Later, we were blessed to have a daughter who is now four years old, and she also takes care of the brothers and sisters in the church by saying, “God bless you!”

Being in the Church of God is amazing! In our church, we receive much comfort and love from many brothers and sisters. We can even attend many volunteer service activities such as environmental cleanups and graffiti removals to help local communities. We are so pleased to be in the Church of God and will continue to help share the love of God with all people in the world.