The Foundation of My Life: Mother’s Teachings

The Church of God has changed my life by allowing me to know that I can be the person that I want to be by knowing about Heavenly Mother. After believing in Heavenly Mother, it gave me a foundation and organization for my life. I am able to know right from wrong now, when before I had no idea of how to follow God. I didn’t have a clue about what were the commandments in the Bible. Not knowing the difference between what is good and what is bad can cause a lot of anxiety, stress and tension, but through believing in Heavenly Mother, the standards in my life have changed dramatically since coming to the Church of God. If I had not come to the Church of God, my life would be dramatically different, and I don’t think I would want to know what my life would be like without it.

I think the Church of God is a good church because of our leader. The leader of the Church of God is Heavenly Mother and we follow the teachings of Mother. We do our best to become good members of society by following the teachings of Mother.

The reason the early church was a good church was because they followed the teachings of Jesus, but in this age, where there are many different churches and a lot of events happening around the world, the teachings of Mother are what people need the most. Most importantly, what people need is good leadership, which is what Mother provides to us.

In many organizations, people are impacted by their leader. Whether it is work or school, leadership is very important to set a foundation for our lives. Heavenly Mother is the leader of the Church of God, which is the best leader we can have.

The Church of God is the only church in the world that can deliver the true message of hope to people because we believe in Heavenly Mother and we have the teachings of Mother. We are taught to be considerate, love one another, cover each other’s faults, share kind words, never complain, sacrifice with thanksgiving and to serve one another. I think that the Church of God is the only church that can change the world because of Mother’s teachings. By following Mother’s teachings we can live a good life even on this earth.

Church of God member Colin Winemiller