The Church of God Is a Place Like No Other

The World Mission Society Church of God is amazing. From a physical aspect and of course a biblical aspect, I believe that the Church of God is a place like no other. The Church of God displays great morals and values and is a place where you can truly feel the love of God. All of the members work hard to put the teachings of the Bible into practice, so that the church really feels like a warm home. Everyone is always eager to serve one another with bright smiles on their faces. Each time I come to church, whether it is to worship, or study, or fellowship, I feel happy and joyful that I came.

Not only do they teach you how important it is to love one another and give in for one another, but most importantly they teach you directly from the bible the teachings that come directly from God. Since I first started to study the Bible in the Church of God, I’ve learned how to receive the gift of the water of life coming from the Spirit and the Bride. I’ve also learned which teachings God wants us to keep, such as the Passover, and which teachings come from man’s own thoughts and opinions, such as Sunday worship. This is why I firmly believe that the Church of God is the best.

Being a part of the Church of God has changed my life a lot. I’m definitely not the person I used to be. Attending the Church of God has allowed me to know how to become a good person and display good characteristics that the people of God ought to display. I hope all people will come to know the joy that is to be had by attending the Church of God.