The Church of God Changed My Life

I would like to tell whoever may be reading this about how the World Mission Society Church of God in Santa Fe Springs has changed my life.  When I was in the 5th grade, I was diagnosed with a specific learning disability.  I had much difficulty with reading material and retaining the information from it.  I also had difficulty spelling words and was unable to speak publicly due to a lack of confidence.  In addition to all of this I struggled severely with taking tests.  All these situations were like a huge cloud that hovered over me. 

I dealt with all these things until I went to college.  The only reason why I was able to go to college was because I received an athletic scholarship playing football.  In high school, most of my teachers passed me only to allow me to play sports for the school.  It was to my surprise that when I went to college, professors had a different reaction.  They would only give me credit for the work that was completed and turned into them.  As a result, I couldn’t maintain the classes and eventually dropped out of college because of difficulty with learning. 

After dropping out of school and coming home from college, I was preached to by one of the members of the Church of God.  When I began to study the bible, everything seemed so easy to understand.  I was so moved by the studies that I asked, “when can I teach like this?” They let me know that I could begin taking classes to help me be able to preach the words of God to other people.  As I began to learn more and more, this indeed became my most desired possession.  I now can preach many different subjects from the bible and no longer have anxiety speaking in front of people. With this newfound confidence from studying the bible with others, I also built up the courage to go back to school and finish my degree.  I am now only a semester away from finishing my degree at Cal State University of Dominguez Hills.  This church has the power to change a person for the better both inside and out.  Only God can change a person the way that I have been changed.  This is evidence that God is indeed in this church.

Church of God member Deacon Chester Woolen