The Bible Is Truly Factual

Before attending the Church of God, there wasn’t a single church that was able to clearly explain to me how the Bible is fact through science. As a high school science teacher, I know how important it is to provide sound and objective evidence when teaching a subject. Members of the Church of God do just that – they share the words of God directly, while providing scientific proof and verification in the Bible. 

The marvelous mysteries of this profound universe have fascinated me from the time I was a little girl. I remember the first time that I saw an elephant at the zoo. I asked my dad, “Dad! How can his feet not hurt? He must be so heavy!” I was in awe of the weight and splendor of a single elephant. Later, I came to learn through science that the earth’s estimated weight is about 1 billion times the weight of 1 trillion elephants (that is about 13 septillion pounds!). After studying the Bible with members of the Church of God, I came to learn that as science continues to advance, the Bible is validated all the more. God revealed to Job, one of the oldest prophets, that this inconceivably massive earth is held by absolutely nothing. The miracle of the universal law of gravitation was accredited to Sir Isaac Newton by scientific scholars in the 17th century, even though it was clearly recorded Biblically in the book of Job. I was able to learn that many scientific discoveries, such as these, were previously foretold in the Bible thousands of years prior. 

There are numerous examples like this in the Bible. The core of the earth, for instance, is prophesied to be transformed by fire. Interestingly, the outer core is mostly molten lava and fiery liquid metal, while the inner core is a metallic solid. Its temperature is estimated to span from about 6300°F to 8500 °F. That is hotter than the surface of the sun! Scientifically, the outer core was deduced in 1913 by Beno Gutenberg and not until 1936 that Inge Lehmann discovered the presence of the fiery inner core through seismograms. Meanwhile, it had already been described in the words of God almost 3,500 years before all of this was discovered by men. What a fascinating and extraordinary universe God has created.

Members from the Church of God study the Bible passionately and selflessly seek to help others realize God and His work of salvation. Even though members had to be patient with me as I learned, they always shared the Bible with an eager heart and mind.  I am proud to be a member of such an astounding church and encourage anyone who is interested to learn the words of God and study with one of our Bible teachers. The Bible is truly factual and God surely exists. Please, come and see for yourself.