Thanks to God for Finding Me

I sincerely give thanks to God for finding me. In the past, I didn’t really believe in God or in the Bible. I could not help but wonder, “If my soul had been born in a different body, such as a man from China or Afghanistan or Africa, etc., what god would I be worshipping and what religion would I be defending as true?” Although I was looking for God, and began to study with different church groups, I was not satisfied with the final response I was receiving after asking my questions: “Just believe.” I simply could not accept that. God made people as intelligent creatures. Did I really have to put this notion aside and just blindly believe in God? Surely there must have been a way God established for his people to recognize who He is correctly…But how?
When I finally began studying with the Church of God, there was a simple statement that changed my life. The one who was studying with me said, “I would not be able to share these things with you if God had not already come to this earth again.” When I asked him if he could prove it, he invited me to further Bible study at the church. Finally, through studying the prophecies of the Bible, I was able to see the way we can understand how the Bible is true, that God does exist, and most importantly, who true God is. I was so amazed to see how beautifully and precisely the prophecies of the Bible reach their fulfillment, and through their fulfillment, lead us to the One whom the Bible testifies about: our Savior, our Redeemer, our God who appears in the flesh.
I earnestly hope that all people will be willing to study the Bible prophecies with an open heart and mind so that they too can see that God and the spiritual world do exist, and that the instrument given for us to confirm their existence are every single one of the prophecies of the Bible.

Church of God member, Deacon Luis Topete