Thankful to God for Leading Me to the Truth

I will never forget the day I was introduced to the World Mission Society Church of God. I had been searching for bible studies that would help me to understand the bible for so long, and finally, I was able to study the truth in the bible in the Church of God.

When I saw how the prophecies in the bible had been fulfilled, I was amazed. I had no idea how precise the bible was and how it had accurately predicted human history for over thousands of years. I had never had the bible explained to me in that way before. In addition, I learned many teachings of the bible that people had abandoned in favor of secular ones, such as the Sabbath day, which is Saturday and not Sunday.

After I began to understand the bible more clearly, I wanted to keep God’s commands with my whole heart. My heart rejoiced as finally the words of the bible made perfect sense. Every bible study was so clear that I knew I had found the perfect truth. In this perfect truth, I learned that the Passover is the core truth of the New Covenant that no other church in the world keeps, though it was established by Jesus.

I’m so thankful to God the Father and God the Mother for leading me to the Church of God that I can now keep all of Their commands faithfully. Now, I am certain that I can truly go to heaven where there is only happiness, because God has given me the forgiveness of sins through the Passover of the New Covenant. Without this truth, I would still be keeping man-made traditions that could not save my soul.

Words cannot express my thanks and joy. God’s grace is overflowing in the Church of God. Everyone is genuinely loving and considerate as they practice God’s teachings. I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful church.

Church of God member Clorissa Ceja