Getting Closer to My Family and My Life

Becoming a member of the World Mission Society Church of God changed my life, not only did I get to learn about God through history, science, and of course the bible prophecies, but I also learned responsibility, people skills, compassion, empathy, and zeal.

Then You will Know the Truth, and the Truth will Set You Free

I realized that only in the Church of God can God and God’s people truly dwell. It is the only church where you can purely learn and understand the will of God, the truths of the early church, the commands and feasts of God and put them into practice as a true Christian.

Church of God member Maria Vallada

The Church Where True God Is

I have been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for approximately 11 years. I was raised catholic from birth and never really knew

It Is the Same Even Now

I have been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for seven years. I first started to attend the church when I

Confidence in My Salvation

I have been a member of World Mission Society Church of God in Las Vegas, Nevada for 13 years. I am originally from Kansas City,

The Truth Is Answered

My life of faith began and all my spiritual questions have been answered. I made the best decision in my life and I’m still happy and thankful, more and more, each and every day. 

Hope For Heaven

After learning the truth of the New Covenant in the Church of God, I was able to find peace…

The Warmest Welcome

Honestly, we all have a story to tell. The question is, are you brave enough to share it? I am 43 years old but my

Church of God member Judith

Walking with God

I’ve been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for about 5 years now. I started attending the church in 2016 and