Never Experienced This Kind of Love

When I think of the World Mission Society Church of God, I think of how there is nothing but love and unity here. Before coming here, I had never experienced this kind of love. When I first came, everybody was very loving and welcoming and even to this day, many members continue to share that love.

The more I attend church, the more I want to remain in the place where God dwells. I never want to leave the church, like a bird who doesn’t want to leave the nest of love which is the Church of God. This is my home because it feels like home. I can truly feel that the people I am surrounded with are my heavenly family.

Before coming to the Church of God, I had always hoped that there would be a place where everyone came together as one, no matter their physical appearance or background, and in the Church of God, we truly work together in unity as one.

The Church of God is a good church because it teaches values that you can not learn anywhere else. In this world today, you learn cruelty, to be mean, and that bullying is okay. But here, in the Church of God, I learn that it is not okay. Everything that I was taught before, was not okay. Here, I am taught what love is. I thought I already knew what love was before, but only here was I truly able to understand.

My life has changed by coming to the Church of God because I feel that I am now able to have a purpose in life. Before I had trouble trying to figure out what path to go down, but now I know my future is certain. Now that I come to the Church of God, I have become close to God and I never want to be apart from God. I now have eternal happiness that I could have only received by coming here.