My Questions Began to Surface

Ever since I was a kid I was interested to know more about God and was the kind of girl who would beg her parents to take her to church. Over the years I began to seek God more and really wanted to understand the Bible, especially when I was in college. That is when my husband introduced me to the Church of God. Then, my questions that I have been hiding or not bothering to ask for I thought I was questioning God and should not, began to surface. 

At that time, I attended a different church, but I did not understand why we were here on this earth, and I did not have 100% confidence in my salvation. I thought that as long as we did good and tried to seek God was enough, yet a part of me felt like there was more. My husband shared with me that in the Bible it says that I must keep the commands of God: I must keep the Sabbath Day. I thought it did not matter what day I worshiped God as long as my heart was in the right place. Filled with confusion and wanting to know what path I must take in my life of faith, I decided to continue studying the Bible. I thought if it is from God, it will come from the main source. Surely enough, everything I was taught came from the Bible. I decided I must be baptized in the Church of God and keep God’s commandments to be saved.  Since then, it has been a great experience from the moment I set foot in the church. Everyone has been so nice to me and greeted me kindly even though they did not know me.

 Even now, I have a son who is one year old and everyone has been so loving and supportive. As the saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child.”  I can confidently say that the Church of God is the perfect place for my family to grow spiritually.  I am also so thankful to be part of a church who is actively trying to make the world a better place by giving back to the community through various events ranging from Clean-Ups, Blood Drives, Food Drives, Sock Drives, Healing Concerts and so on. I can see a little of what heaven will be like through the beautiful and joyful efforts of all the members to spread the message of salvation.

Before I came to the Church of God, I always wondered what kind of activities we would have in heaven or how heaven would be like. I earnestly wanted to know what was beyond this life. In the past, I had thought that in heaven we would be before God on our knees day by day praising God as a servant does towards his master, which had made me confused. I realize now that it was because I never understood about the spiritual family. Heaven is place where there will be rejoicing everyday and we will get to enjoy every moment with our heavenly family. Being in this world it was hard to have hope, but attending the Church of God the past few years have been like a glimpse of heaven. 

I am so honored to be part of the Church of God which never stops working. Even though it may have not been established long ago, it has grown rapidly to the point that we have churches all over the world! To this day, it is still growing sharing the love of God that is the light to this world.