Meeting the Root of David

Thanks to God Elohim for calling me out of darkness and leading me to the truth. Before coming to the Church of God, I believed and practiced everything that I could find. I had a spiritual thirst that wasn’t satisfied anywhere. I studied and practiced meditation, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. I even considered becoming a Buddhist nun. However, when I went to college, two members of the Church of God preached to me about God the Mother and the Second Coming Christ. I am very surprised to hear that Christ has already come a second time and wanted to meet Him. They showed me from the scriptures how the Bible says Christ will appear a second time to bring salvation (Heb 9:28). And the way to receive salvation is through the Passover (Jn 6:53, Mt 26:17-19, 26-28). And they revealed to me that the Second Coming Christ is Christ Ahnsahnghong because He restored the Passover which was lost in 325 AD. By restoring and teaching us the Passover (the way to eternal life), He fulfilled Heb 9:28 which says when Christ comes a second time, He ought to bring salvation. I believed right away because the scriptures say so. 

I continuously did Bible studies with them to know the truth in the Bible and God who came in the flesh. I remembered asking so many questions because I wanted to understand everything. I am so amazed and thankful that all my questions can be answered through the Bible. I am so thankful to be able to understand the Bible now. Before, the Bible to me is just another religious book, but now it is the word from God which is living and active. Amazingly, all the prophecies of the Bible, though written 2000-3000 years ago have been fulfilled precisely and are still being fulfilled now. 

I am so grateful to God for leading me to the Church of God, the Church that fulfilled the last prophecies of the Bible. The Church is established by God Himself who came again to save us. There is no lawlessness in this Church. There are no pagan teachings such as Sunday worship, Easter, and Christmas. Instead, the Church of God, which was taught directly by the second coming Christ- the Root of David, honor and keep all the law of the New Covenant: Sabbath, Passover, and the seven feasts in three times. I am even more blessed to know the last secret of the Bible, the source of salvation in the last days, our Heavenly Mother, the New Jerusalem. She has already come according to the Bible prophecies. God Herself is leading the Church of God and revived our souls day after day through Her word of life. Now, all mankind is given another opportunity to walk with God and receive eternal life. I hope everyone can take hold of this blessing, press on forward to know God Elohim through the Bible, and receive salvation.

Church of God member in Fresno, Chau Ho