Lost & Found

First and foremost, I would like to truly give all thanks, praise, and glory to the utmost amazing God Elohim who has allowed this sinner to write this testimonial.

Before becoming a member of The World Mission Society Church of God, I attended a Christian Baptist church here in San Diego, California. I grew up in the church from childhood until I was an adult. In my childhood, my grandparents played a prominent role in teaching me family culture, traditions, and religion. When we grow up and become adults, it is natural that we hold fast to the same values and beliefs that we have learned from our elders. As I became mature in age, I grew into a more self-aware person and I had this imperativeness of wanting to know more about the Bible and what was written in it. One random day, I woke up and had this sense of urgency within my heart and my mind; I had to know what I was doing and why I celebrated and kept specific teachings that I could not find anywhere in the Bible. In addition, this made me aware of the importance of knowing what and why I followed such teachings even though they didn’t exist in the Bible. Furthermore, I knew this could affect me spiritually. Upon my search for true God, I was in and out of churches trying to fill the void in my heart, but I was never spiritually satisfied until God Elohim sent out Their messengers who preached the good news of salvation to me, using the very Scriptures that every church utilizes.

The Church of God is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire existence and I am grateful for everything that I’ve been able to accomplish in my life of faith through the pure grace of God Elohim. The teachings are the true teachings of Christ Himself and are not only taught to people in the church, but they are for all mankind who live on the face of the planet. The Church of God has influenced me in so many ways. I know how to serve and put others first, humble myself, and Love (which is the best way of serving). Furthermore, the most amazing thing about this church is the existence of The Bride, who is testified as our Heavenly Mother, who appears in the last days for the salvation of all mankind.

From feeling so lost my whole life and now being found by true God, I have set the goal to forcefully work hard to help progress this beautiful truth and shine the light of our precious Father and Mother to the whole world.

Truly I was once lost, but now I have been found and rescued from the fiery depths, and I will forever cherish the memories and moments in this new life I was given.

Church of God member Kyanna Sparks