Hope For Heaven

Before joining the Church of God, I lived with a troubling thought, “Even if all my dreams come true and I accomplish all that I desire in this world, I will eventually die one day. Then what would be the point of all my efforts?” Though we may try to leave a legacy and be remembered, or enjoy the short time that we have on this earth, as King Solomon said, it is still meaningless in the end.

I knew in my heart that there had to be a bigger reason as to why I was here and that God had to have a greater purpose for my life. I began to understand that purpose after I came to the Church of God. While studying the Bible I began to learn that we are more than mere flesh, but that our true essence is our soul.

From that moment on, I began to see beyond this physical world, understanding that there is a spiritual world that exists, of which our Heavenly Father and Mother are the creators. I understood that this life may be temporary, but if we live it intentionally, carrying out the will of God, we will be blessed beyond measure in the end.

Before I began to study the bible, I could not confidently say I knew God’s will or God’s plan. I didn’t know what could bring me true happiness and give me a clear purpose. But, now that I live for the kingdom of Heaven, I am no longer troubled. After learning the truth of the New Covenant in the Church of God, I was able to find peace in knowing that my soul will enter kingdom of God and there is a heavenly family that I belong to.

I have gained a legitimate hope promised through the Word of God given in the Bible and give thanks to God for my new found purpose.