Guiding Me to the Kingdom of God

First of all, I want to give eternal glory, praises, and thanks to Elohim God the Father and God the Mother for allowing me the privilege to know Them and allowing me to come to this amazing Truth! 

For a long time, I worried about what would happen to me after this life. I wondered what the right church was, and how can I ensure my family and I would go to Heaven. Growing up my mom took my sisters and I to many churches. Although we had been baptized, I never had a feeling of conviction in the teachings from these churches, as they did not teach from the Bible. After some time, I became hopeless in my search and quite frankly stopped looking for God. Then one day my older sister invited me to a bible study. Initially, I was hesitant and a bit closed-minded due to previous experiences.  Although I was guarded, the members of the Church of God studied with me patiently, showing me one by one all the prophecies in the Bible such as the way to receive eternal life, the new name of God and the fact not only do we have God the Father, but that we also have God the Mother. There was no way to deny this beautiful and perfect truth!

Aside from confirming this is the true church through the Bible prophecies, I saw how diligently the members keep the commandments of God and came to feel God the Mother’s love through the beautiful members in the church. Anytime I come to the Church of God, wherever it may be–whether a different city, state, or country–there is truly a caring community, a family, where there is consideration, and the love of God for one another. Seeing how united the members are in this church and how many efforts they make to do their best in all aspects of their lives, while always considering others, inspires and motivates me to do better in all ways in my life as a mom, daughter, sister, and worker.

I am happy to be able to say now my sisters, mom, and children attend the Church of God. I am also so happy seeing the beautiful members share the same hope as me to go to Heaven. I am no longer anxious about what happens after this life.  I have peace in my heart and soul because Elohim God are guiding me directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Church of God member Amy Gomez Mendoza