Grateful to Know the True God

I am really so grateful to have found the amazing World Mission Society Church of God. Before I came to the Church of God, I thought I truly understood how to worship God correctly, but when I started to study the bible, I realized that I did not really understand how to worship God at all. The bible teaches that if you love me (God), you will keep my commands (Jn 14:15). I was shocked to learn that I hadn’t been keeping the true commands of God, but the teachings of men instead. Though I thought I loved God in my heart, my actions were not in accordance with the commands or words of God.

Although there are many Christian churches in the world today, they all have different doctrines and their own ways according to their own thoughts and opinions. Even within the same denomination, some churches have different practices. When Christ came 2,000 years ago, He only taught one gospel for us to follow and receive salvation, which is the New Covenant.

Now that I have come to know God’s true teachings and keep the New Covenant, I am filled with much joy and confidence in my salvation. Everything that I have learned while attending the Church of God can be found exactly in the bible, which contains the absolute words of God. Not only can I say that I love God with all my heart, soul and strength, but I can prove it with my actions that align with the will of God.

It has been a great blessing to be in the Church of God. In addition to coming to know true God, I have come to know my heavenly family members who are filled with kindness. I always feel encouraged and loved by all the members as we walk the path to the kingdom of heaven together. I hope everyone will have an opportunity to attend the Church of God and have a little taste of heaven on earth as I have.