God Is Made Known Through All Creation

When I think of my own physical parents; my mom and dad, I feel so proud to be their daughter. I love them so much, and I am so happy to boast about them. Growing up, my parents raised me with so much patience and understanding, constantly correcting me, teaching me right from wrong, and trying their best to give me wise advice. Their main concern was my health, my future, and my well-being. Their whole life revolved around providing for my brothers and I and making sure that we had everything that we needed. My parents constantly gave us their teachings and even worked hard at their physical jobs to set us a good example and to provide for us. Whenever I think of the words: “parents,” “father,” “mother,” I instantly think of “love.”

When I first was introduced to the Church of God by the church’s club on my college campus, I was initially surprised and appalled at the existence of God the Mother. My whole life, I only have heard about the existence of God the Father and that we are God’s children. However, when I continued to study the Bible, I was able to see the existence of not only God our Father, but also God the Mother clearly in the Bible. I even read the Bible front to back on my own, and I still couldn’t deny the fact that She was testified from the beginning to the end.

Then, it was this verse that put everything into perspective for me:

“Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:19-20 NIV).

Everything about God is clearly seen through everything that has been made. Every living creature on this earth has their father and mother that gave them life (birds, fish, animals, humans, plants). Even I admire and love my physical parents so much because of their unconditional love that they have shown me my whole life. How much more my Spiritual Parents! Just imagine the love of God our Father and Mother! When I thought of the existence of my own physical parents, the existence of God our Father and our Mother made even more sense to me. I am amazed at how simple our God has made it to understand.

God our Father and God our Mother have put their invisible qualities and divine nature in all Their creation. After realizing this, I was able to come to understand God’s love in composing the Bible for us even more, and am always so excited to study one bible study after the next. Just like our own physical parents raise us with their teachings so that we can grow well, God’s commandments that are mentioned in the Bible are important for us to spiritually grow well and lead us to heaven. That is why I feel so blessed and grateful to even keep God’s commandments in this time, such as; the Sabbath day, Passover, the appointed festivals of God, etc. I feel even more blessed that I am able to keep these commandments with the members of our church, who I consider my brothers and sisters; my heavenly family.

Even now, I am still learning so much and can feel God’s love in every aspect of my life. I feel sad whenever I hear someone deny the existence of God the Father and Mother, even though it is clearly in the Bible. It’s like denying that your own parents exist. Just like the Bible says, everything in all creation is to teach us about God, so that people are without excuse! I am eternally thankful to God for leading me to the Church of God and allowing everything to make perfect sense.

Church of God member Nerisse Bugho