Getting Closer to My Family and My Life

I come from humble beginnings. My parents came to America chasing the American dream and brought my brother and me with them as they worked very hard to provide me with every opportunity to succeed. Neither of my parents would let my brother or I get away with not saying please or thank you. Providing for the family was a priority in our home.

However, my parents worked a lot to give us a life they could not have, so growing up I was very lonely and struggled to find my way. It was during this time that I found myself asking “what is the purpose of my life?” I struggled to find a good sense of direction and what to do with my life. Although my parents wanted me to succeed, they did not have the resources to help me choose the best options.

Much of my high school and young adult life were spent hopping from job to job, trying to find my way. Even after I had a family of my own, my anxiety only increased fearing that I would never obtain stability. I constantly thought about what kind of life I was setting up for my children. It was during this hardest point in my life that I was invited to have a bible study at the World Mission Society Church of God in 2006. Although I am extremely thankful to my parents for having sacrificed so much for me and my siblings, I came to realize what I was missing. I was missing God and consequently, had no hope for the kingdom of heaven.

Becoming a member of the Church of God changed my life. Not only did I get to learn about God through history, science, and of course the bible prophecies, but I also learned responsibility, people skills, compassion, empathy, and zeal. With all these new skills, I found myself getting closer to my family and my life was changing for the better. Fast forward to a few years later, and my parents and siblings have also become members of the Church of God. My children are healthy and active, happily pursuing their education. One of which is now starting to apply to universities. As for me, I no longer have anxiety and find myself either busy at church or with my family. I am also fortunate to have a good career in the health industry. I can honestly say, not only did I find stability, but along this beautiful journey, God has blessed me with so much more. Thank you Father and Mother!