Finding Meaning in Life

I was in my second year of college with only a vague idea about what I wanted out of life. I really felt like this life was meaningless, but there was nothing I could do to give it meaning. Everyone around me seemed to have figured it out and seemed happy with how their life was going. Since, for me, I couldn’t grasp any solid reason why I had to be here and what my purpose was, I spent my days enjoying the empty pleasures of this world. I felt it really didn’t matter how I lived my life, which made me sink deeper into darkness and confusion.

It was at this time that I was approached by two beautiful women at the mall, while I was getting off work. They asked me if I had ever heard of God the Mother in the bible. I was sure I already knew the bible, being raised in church as a child; however, something in their faces told me to just listen. Genesis 1:26 was like a bright light that lit up my darkened heart. I met them the very next day for a bible study and never wanted to stop hearing the words in the Bible.

When I learned that Heavenly Father had come to seek me, I cried. I had finally been found and was blessed to become God’s child. I was so overwhelmed with happiness knowing that I was in God’s arms now and had a clear sense of purpose for why I came to this earth. It was finally clear to me that this life isn’t about knowledge and gaining approval from people around me. As I learned in the bible, the reason I am here is to gain approval from the only true God and return to heaven.

The words I learned in the Bible came alive while studying with the Church of God members. I was just where I was supposed to be; at home in Zion. Everyday I want to be in Zion, God’s holy dwelling place, where true happiness and love overflow. Even until today, God has mercy on me and continues to love me and guide me to heaven.

After coming to the Church of God, my life now has meaning and a clear direction. I am living for heaven. Every decision I make is based on what Father and Mother have taught me, believing that They always guide me on the best path to give me many blessings in the end. I am so thankful because I don’t worry anymore about what to do or where to go as long as I am following Father and Mother. I give all thanks and praises to God the Father and God the Mother for saving my lost soul, granting me the forgiveness of my sins and giving me true love and life forever!

Thank you Father and Mother. I love you!

Church of God member Adrienne Knapp