Confidence in My Salvation

I have been a member of World Mission Society Church of God in Las Vegas, Nevada for 13 years. I am originally from Kansas City, Missouri. I moved to Las Vegas 14 years ago in 2008 and you are probably wondering how I came to live in the Silver State. Well, I grew up in a family of five, a mom, a dad, an older brother, I am the middle child, and a younger sister. We grew up in a family like the Huxtables. I had a great childhood; I would not trade it for the world.  I grew up in a Pentecostal and Baptist household with my family always going to church on Sundays. Growing up my dad was not the Pastor, but he was very involved. He was in the church percussion band, he led church bible studies and was on the board meetings. In the summers, my dad would even have bible studies in our home and would encourage us to invite our friends to join.

After growing up and graduating high school, I left home for college following in the footsteps of my dad. In 2003 I moved into the college dorms; I was accepted into the same college my father went to 30 years prior. It was a private evangelical university in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Even though it was an evangelical school, it offered 70 other undergraduate degree programs along with 20 graduate programs. However, I had no dreams of becoming a church leader. But like many college students, I was excited to get away from home, have a little independence and experience adult life.  I was now on my own journey to find my passion and my purpose in life. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I dreamed of a job that would allow me to travel and allow me to help people along the way. So eventually, I found myself applying for the nursing program and I was accepted. Sometime after, I was approached one day by an Air Force recruiter and he introduced me to the idea of becoming a nurse in the Air Force. I was handed a brochure and on the back, it said something that made me interested, “You will never look back at your life and wonder what you did with it.” So, that is how it all began. After four years of studying, discipline and determination, I became a Registered Nurse in the United States Air Force in 2007. Now I was a commissioned officer ready for my first assignment.  

Nellis Air Force Base, “Where is that?” I asked with such distress. “Las Vegas! I didn’t even know we had an Air Force Base there.” And that is how I landed right here in Las Vegas, Nevada. After getting settled into my new life as a young adult, I felt good about myself. I was an adult now doing something meaningful with my life. However, even though I had reached my goals I still felt a bit unsatisfied. I felt something was still missing. I left home and college understanding two things; God is my savior and the Bible is what I must follow. However, even though I had gone to church all the time as a kid and even graduated from a theological school, I still had doubts about my salvation. I couldn’t with confidence say my relationship with God was strong, so my next goal was to strengthen my faith in God.

I found a church to attend and began going to the worship services on Sundays. It was the same old same old, hollering and jumping around, and looking at a couple of verses in the bible that had left me feeling empty before. I was frustrated because my questions on were not being answered. I stopped going to church and decided I would just study the bible on my own.

I remember in January of 2009 being in my apartment raising my voice to God saying, “I just want to do what you want me to do!” I started out reading the Ten Commandments and coming to the fourth commandment “Remember to keep the Sabbath Day Holy…the seventh day” What? The seventh day, that’s Saturday! From that point on I was determined to find a Saturday keeping church. But before I could even venture out to find one. It came to me the very next week. A young lady knocked on my door. She introduced herself, “Hi my name is Christina. Have you ever heard about the Sabbath Day?” She asked me if I had a bible and showed me the good news about the Holy Sabbath Day. I was so impressed and it was so clear. It was right there in the bible, completely undeniable. From then on, I wanted more, and I got it. I was shown the most precious truth in the bible which was about our Heavenly Mother.  I was so happy and it made so much sense because the greatest love comes from a mother. Wow, I asked all my questions, and it was answered with the bible, with proof, with evidence. I finally found my confidence in my salvation and I could even prove it with the bible.

I reached my goal. I found the church I was looking for and in February 2009 I was baptized. I became a member of the Church of God. At that time, the church was in a house. It was just beginning to take root in this city and I was excited to be a part of it. Now, push forward 13 years, we have grown to 300 plus members and now have our very own church building. Not only that, through this journey I became an adult physically, getting married, and have grown up spiritually as well. I love the fact that the laws and the customs we do come directly from the bible. I love the fact that I now can understand and share the words of God to whomever is willing to listen. I did all this without getting a degree in theology. We are one big happy family, eating together, fellowshipping together and most importantly repenting together. Now I can say that I am satisfied. I have been able to travel the world taking part in mission trips, helping others understand the words of God just as it has been shown to me. Now I am confident in my relationship with God, my Father and Mother. I am very grateful to be a part of a family that is not only here in Las Vegas but all over the world.