Christ is the Greatest Mystery

I am so happy to be a member of the Church of God. Since attending this church, not only have I learned how to worship God properly and receive blessings, but also I learned how to love my neighbors just as Christ loved us. Previously, I had a vague understanding of God’s love and how to put it into practice and because of this, I would fail to properly follow His example of patience, kindness, humility, and forgiveness.

When I was first invited to the Church of God, I studied the Bible and learned that God loved us so much that He came in the flesh to save us. I will never forget the saying, “living in a prison cell without bars” because that quote fully exemplifies the life Christ lived while he was on this earth. I’m so thankful that I came to know this amazing fact because even the Bible says that “Christ is the greatest mystery.” This means that not everyone can understand Christ with their own common sense.

In addition, I also realized the love of Christ even more as the day passes. I am really amazed with how my love for God has never cooled down, even though I have been a member of this church for awhile. But, how is that possible? I came to realize that the love and fervor of the members of the Church of God really loved my heart as well. Though there are many negative things happening in the world, the Church of God members are always joyful and thankful and influence everyone around them to be the same way. Anyone who visits our church can instantly see the members’ bright smiles and warm welcomes. This act has never cooled down. Even until this day, even though I know all members by name and they know me by name, I still feel the same welcoming feeling like when I walked through those church doors for the first time. This is truly the church where God allows mankind to receive blessings and the love of God.