Being Changed from the Inside

I grew up in a Christian household, and even attended a private Christian school for middle school education. I always felt that I had a solid foundation to believe the Bible and accept it as the word of God. Growing up I wanted to walk with God and was afraid of not being able to go to Heaven, so I tried my best to do what I thought would be good in the eyes of God. However, as I got older, it seemed to me that the distinction between right and wrong was becoming more and more unclear.  Although I tried to do what was right or work on my personality, it felt as though I was caught in an endless cycle of conflict.  No one gave me a clear answer of how to be a good person or exactly how I can go to Heaven by doing so. I was just continually told, “all you need to do is believe and be a good person, that’s it.” But that answer left me with so many questions, how, why, and according to whose standard? 

After suffering a great hardship I felt like giving up. At that time I prayed, that God would lead me to the right path and show me how I can be a good person so I could go to Heaven. Immediately following my adversity I moved in with my older sister. She invited me to the Church of God, which she had just recently become a member of. I became a member about a week later. After coming to the church of God and learning the teaching of the Bible, my heart was so full and I knew that all my prayers had been answered. I not only learned the truth of the Bible, but I gained understanding through the scriptures of how to have a good nature that pleases God.

In the past I was never able to change my behavior, no matter how hard I tried. Now I am able to see clearly according to God’s standard why it is important to have a good nature and exactly what a good person is. I have now been able to change, not temporarily or superficially, but from within. Since every member in the Church of God is also striving for the same thing, I can say that true love exists amongst us. We are all working toward one goal and helping each other along the way. I am so thankful for God’s calling. I hope that all people can come to the Church of God and learn the wonderful teachings of the Bible, so that we can make the world a better place by all becoming good natured people.

Church of God member Amanda Tello