Another Chance to Grow

First and foremost, I would like to thank Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for allowing me to write this testimonial. When I was nine years old, my older sister began to take me to church. After asking my mom to be baptized, and she saying yes, my sister and I were baptized by the grace of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

Growing up as a young child in the church, I was immature in my faith and would go just because my sister said that we needed to. Though she realized the importance of salvation and wanted to share it with me, I didn’t understand its value yet. Since I wasn’t focused on the Word of God, as I grew older, I began to attend the church less and less.

The time came to go to college and after debating where to go, I got accepted into the University of California in Irvine. I was not sure why I chose that school, but something said it may be good for me. Leaving home for the first time was hard and I often felt like I needed to move back home.

However, one day after my class, I was approached by two sisters from the Church of God who began to share the bible me. When I realized where they were from, I stopped them and said, “I was a member of the church in LA but I had not attended the church for a long time.” After hearing me, they looked shocked.

Though I didn’t realize it at the moment, Father and Mother led me back to the Church of God after all those years and I began to attend the church regularly again; which was exactly what I needed. Father and Mother never gave up trying to seek and save this child who had wandered away.

I thank Father and Mother for giving this sinner another chance to value the truth and grow in my faith with understanding. I pray I can become a daughter of Elohim God who only puts a smile on Their face.