A Better Person

My experience in the Church of God has been life-changing. Not only have I become more knowledgeable about the Bible, but I have also learned how to be an upright person in society. Nowadays it seems that most people generally care about themselves, not being too concerned about other people’s needs or feelings. However, when I came to the Church of God, I felt that the members not only shared the word of God, but lived it by showing love to one another.

I was a very introverted person before I came to the church, but by participating in church gatherings and events I have been able to come out of my shell. Through various volunteer events, such as blood drives and community clean-ups, I’ve come to enjoy spending time with others and making a positive impact in the world.

Being in the Church of God, I have been blessed to understand many different prophecies in the Bible which I never knew existed; the prophecy of Jesus’ 2nd Coming and the Last Judgement, Heavenly Mother, and the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. I had no idea that the Bible contained so much history and detail about God’s plan and I didn’t have to become a bible scholar to understand these things either. They were all clearly explained through simple bible studies, allowing me to have a greater faith and relationship with God.

After studying with the Church of God, I have confidence in my salvation because I have met my Saviors through the truth of the Bible. I am eternally thankful to God Elohim who have let their light shine on me and help me to be a better person each day.