Church of God member Amanda Tello

Being Changed from the Inside

After coming to the church of God and learning the teaching of the Bible, my heart was so full and I knew that all my prayers had been answered. I not only learned the truth of the Bible, but I gained understanding through the scriptures of how to have a good nature that pleases God.

Church of God member Amy Gomez Mendoza

Guiding Me to the Kingdom of God

Anytime I come to the Church of God, wherever it may be whether a different city, state, or country there is truly a caring community, a family, where there is consideration, and the love of God for one another.

Church of God member Erika Granpil

The Path of A New Life

As I look back on my past, I remember the time when I received a new life in the Church of God. I was only

Church of God member Kyanna Sparks

Lost & Found

First and foremost, I would like to truly give all thanks, praise, and glory to the utmost amazing God Elohim who has allowed this sinner

Never Experienced This Kind of Love

Now that I come to the Church of God, I have become close to God and I never want to be apart from God. I now have eternal happiness that I could have only received by coming here.

Christ is the Greatest Mystery

Church of God members are always joyful and thankful and influence everyone around them to be the same way. This is truly the church where God allows mankind to receive blessings and the love of God.

Another Chance to Grow

Though I didn’t realize it at the moment, Father and Mother led me back to the Church of God after all those years and I began to attend the church regularly again; which was exactly what I needed.