ASEZ, the Church of God University Student Volunteer Group, is an acronym for “Save the Earth from A to Z.” It also means university students change the world. University students can play a key role in changing the future as they have eager minds and determination. ASEZ is made up of the university students of the Church of God, who are the protagonists of this age. They carry out volunteer services with the heart of a mother in order to resolve problems in all corners of the world, and to bring happiness to mankind.
S.A.V.E movement, which is the main activity of ASEZ, is carried out in four different areas: S for Social Service, A for Awareness Raising, V for Victim Relief, and E for Environmental Protection. The goal of ASEZ is to achieve the well-being of all mankind and it works to follow the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Social Service
Strive to take care of our underprivileged neighbors, so that we may help residents in our communities and all people in the world.

Awareness Raising
Improve the local environment by promoting awareness among university students and local residents through continual campaigns, education programs, and forums.

Victim Relief
Volunteer services such as disaster relief efforts, delivering relief goods, and school restoration work around the world.

Environmental Protection
Environmental protection through worldwide “Mother’s Street” cleanups, and Green Campus cleanups
ASEZ Proposal for Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
ASEZ is establishing networks with international organizations, governments and local municipalities in order to achieve the UN SDGs, and it has made substantial differences in the world, by holding seminars and forums to raise awareness in local communities. University students all over the world are participating in the activities of ASEZ.


Reduce Crime
According to the Broken Windows Theory, visible signs of disorder, such as litter or graffiti, instigate criminal activity. Studies have also shown a correlation between neighborhood cleanliness and reduced crime. With this in mind, ASEZ university students help their campuses and communities to promote peace and happiness.
Mother's Street
Since 2015, when “Mother’s Street” was designated and a cleanup partnering with the city hall was carried out in Nepal, ASEZ has been cleaning streets in North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.
To raise awareness of local and global matters, ASEZ volunteers also partner with government officials and municipalities. Thousands of dignitaries and entities around the world have signed agreements and memorandums of understanding with ASEZ. They pledge to support the volunteers’ activities in their communities and their efforts to accomplish the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
ASEZ hosts forums as a platform for all members of the community, including residents, officials and students, to discuss critical issues and how they can work together to tackle them. Topics include crime reduction and the importance of youth engagement. Volunteers hope to inspire classmates and neighbors to participate in the movement to Save the Earth from A to Z—from the beginning to the end.
ASEZ has been awarded with the U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award Gold and Green Apple Award Gold in 2018, in recognition of the members’ sincere volunteer services with indefatigable spirit, passion, and the heart of a mother. In this way, university students all over the world are facilitating great positive changes in the world by gathering up their efforts. They are moving forward step by step toward a hopeful future, by improving local communities’ awareness and bringing about changes in people’s behaviors.

About ASEZ
Motto of ASEZ
We deliver the warmth of Mother’s love to the world.
Mom soothed me when I was sick. Mom cleaned our home.
Mom comforted us with warm meals. Little miracles happened wherever Mom touches in our home and in our heart.
Mom’s love heals us and encourages us. Like a mom who pays attention to her child who needs attention, and comforts
her child who needs comfort, we want to deliver Mother’s heartwarming love to our neighbors in the world suffering from all sorts of disasters and troubles.