On Sunday, February 16, 2025, Church of God ASEZ volunteers from Escondido, Chula Vista and San Diego united together to clean up the Chollas Creek area. ASEZ partnered with the City of San Diego for the clean-up, in support of the ASEZ Zero Plastic 2040 Campaign. Under the grace of Heavenly Father and Mother, about 200 volunteers were able to gather to beautify the area and ensure a safe environment for the community members.

ASEZ Volunteers Unite
Having a mind of unity, the ASEZ volunteers shared the blessing of carrying out this clean-up with an overseas IUBA (International University Bible Academy) team from Korea. Together they worked tirelessly with joy and gladness, looking forward to the transformative results they would see in the end. A representative from the office of Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera of San Diego also came out to support the clean-up. In the end, the volunteers, having the same goal in mind, were able to successfully clean Chollas Creek in support of the ASEZ Campaign.

Chollas Creek Flood Calls for Urgent Clean-up
Approximately one year ago in January of 2024, Chollas Creek flooded after a heavy rainfall, impacting hundreds of families and homes. As trash, debris, and mud swept through the neighborhoods adjacent to the creek, residents could not help but wonder if the buildup of trash over the years had contributed to the creek overflowing. The debris even flowed down into other waterways and the ocean.
Recently, park rangers from the city of San Diego expressed an urgent need for help cleaning the area. Due to the significant amount of trash filling the creek, they needed more manpower to help get Chollas Creek clean. Heeding the call, ASEZ volunteers from San Diego were determined to lend a helping hand and prevent the creek from flooding once more.
ASEZ Zero Plastic 2040 Campaign
Toward Zero Plastic Pollution! ASEZ has the mission to eliminate plastic on Earth by 2040 through the ASEZ Zero Plastic 2040 Campaign. In May of 2023, the United Nations (UN) also outlined a similar roadmap that called on all countries to reduce plastic pollution by 80% by 2040.
The clean up was in conjunction with the ASEZ Forum that will be hosted on February 23rd at University of California San Diego (UCSD).

Through the ASEZ Zero Plastic 2040 Campaign Chollas Creek Cleanup, about three to four tons of trash and debris consisting of plastic, glass, clothes, tires, etc. were removed. News outlets such as NBC, KUSI, and Telemundo all covered the event and also promoted the upcoming ASEZ Forum. This collaborative effort highlights the power of community and the importance of collective action in preserving our environment for the future.