An Arrogant Sergeant’s Transformation Into a Good-Natured Gunny

When I had the blessing of joining the World Mission Society Church of God, I was coming from a very demanding background that embraced arrogance and promoted one’s self-ambition above others. After baptism, I started to learn how much I was making others struggle by making them deal with my rough personality and constant cynicism. I saw the positive attitude and joy others in the church were constantly displaying and I prayed hard that I could feel that same joy. 

Every time I went to church, I felt an overwhelming sense of belonging I had never experienced before. It truly feels like a happy family. I started becoming addicted to doing good and wanting to help others. This started after being surrounded by the examples I witnessed from the church members. My rough character had started changing unknowingly to myself and my home family life improved greatly. I started to understand that problems in my life are not worth complaining about, but instead they develop endurance. Furthermore, endurance develops character that is good for building others up. This character eventually was noticed by my subordinates in the Marine Corps and my superiors. Many asked me constantly how I could be so happy all the time, even in glum situations. I was able to easily respond: “Only thanks to God”. Through this response, many Marines are now a part of our church and we are changing the culture of our workplaces one by one for the better. 

I thank God I was able to be humble enough to accept the message when I was given the chance. I encourage all military branches to embrace the kindness and love I am experiencing from my new found family every day. All thanks to God the Father and Mother for allowing me to be Their child, who loves my amazing family and is excited to go back to my hometown, heaven!