Then You will Know the Truth, and the Truth will Set You Free

I have been attending the World Mission Society Church of God for many years now. For anyone seeking God and the truth; wisdom, understanding and salvation from God, as well as make a difference in the community, please come to the Church of God. You won’t regret it! You’ll be amazed by the bible prophecies and fulfillment taught at this church, as well as be able to see and have hope to go to the spiritual world, kingdom of Heaven! You will receive salvation from the Spirit and the Bride, God the Father and God the Mother – the Saviors in this age according to the words of Jesus in the Bible.

I was first introduced to this church while I was on my break at work, going into my 4th year of college at University of California, San Diego. Before attending the Church of God, I had gone to many different types of Christian churches; even my dad served as a Pastor at a Methodist church when I was living in the Philippines. Even though I was raised in a Christian household, I never really understood the Bible, the purpose of believing in God and going to church, until I came to the Church of God. I also never felt completely or genuinely happy to be in a church setting, until I came to the Church of God.

What’s different about the Church of God is that it’s really the only church that follows all the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is the only church that keeps all the feasts of God according to the Bible, has the truths of the early church and puts them all into practice. The bible studies here are always so fascinating and just plain amazing. Questions are always welcomed and the answers are crystal clear, shown directly from the Bible! You cannot help but to be in awe of the word and the power of God. The Church of God also holds many volunteer service activities around the world and has received over 3,300 awards, medals and letters from governments and organizations such as Presidential awards, Green Apple award and even the Queen Elizabeth’s MBE award. That is really amazing to think about all the accomplishments and the positive impact the Church of God has made in the community.

I am very happy and thankful to have been invited by the eager and sincere members of this church. Since I started attending the Church of God my thoughts, habits, relationship with God, relationship with others, appreciation in life, and participation in community service has changed for the better. Thank you World Mission Society Church of God for having the mission to save the world through the Truth of the New Covenant.