The Truth Is Answered

I have a fairly normal “christian” background, where I was in a Methodist church for years. Later in my teens and young adult years, I looked into other denominations and even religions to see what was the correct path that would lead to God and His kingdom. I noticed how lacking and even corrupt most churches were that my friends or associates from work attended, and decided I wanted nothing to do with “organized religion”. I even attended the church former president, Barack Obama, attended when he was just a Senator in Chicago, and that church didn’t answer any of my questions, nor did it make known to me the sure way to enter the kingdom of heaven.

So years went by and I lived my life focusing on the world and being concerned with only physical things. I would, however, from time to time, think about what was the reason for my existence and the existence of mankind. Of course, there was nowhere that I could find a clear answer to this. So I didn’t completely give up, but resolved to seek the answers myself, by studying the Bible and reading it by myself.

Finally, one day, when I was walking through the mall, someone approached me and asked “Have you heard that the Bible teaches that we have a Mother in heaven?”

I felt that made all the sense in the world. I figured if they could show me in the Bible, I would listen to what they had to say next. I did a few Bible studies with him and was baptized soon after. My life of faith began and all my spiritual questions have been answered. I made the best decision in my life and I’m still happy and thankful, more and more, each and every day. 

Since I was baptized, until now, I have been very successful, not only my spiritual life, but also, in my physical life. I was later married and have a new addition, my daughter, as well as two step-children, all share my faith. I have never been more happier and successful! Thanks to God, for sending someone to tell me the truth of life only found in the World Mission Society Church of God, and thanks to God for abundant blessings. May eternal praises, thanks and love be given to Heavenly Father and Mother.