Christ Ahnsahnghong Is the Second Coming Christ and True God

Although I was brought up Catholic by Hispanic tradition, my family was not very religious. I attended different kinds of churches here and there, following my mom in my adolescence. I wanted to know why we were on this earth and how I could know the true God; however, these questions remained unanswered.

Thankfully, while attending college, I was introduced to the truth about Heavenly Mother, by two wonderful Church of God members. At first, I was not aware that so many things existed in the Bible. However, as we studied the truth about the soul and learned that we are angels from Heaven, I was taken aback and surprised. I felt that my spiritual thirst was being quenched and was happy to come to know the truth.

They drew timelines and visuals to help me understand, and I read the verses and saw the answers for myself right there in front of me. It was then that I realized that the World Mission Society Church of God was different – everything was explained through the Bible.

The more I studied, the more I was surprised that all the prophecies had been fulfilled. Seeing the prophecies about the seal of God being the Passover that protects us from disasters; Jesus’ second coming in the cloud being a parable for His coming in the flesh; and that He was to come from a far off land in the East, South Korea, I could not help but put my complete trust in the Bible. I became convinced that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming Christ and true God according to prophecies.

I remember being so thankful to know the true God Elohim, Heavenly Father and Mother. I cried tears of joy, and I thought everyone should know and jump for joy that our Heavenly Father and Mother came to this earth to save us. I think there are still many people who were like me, who did not even know they were looking for God. I am so thankful to Heavenly Father and Mother for leading me to the Church of God and allowing me to have hope to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope that everyone can come and quench their spiritual thirst by studying at the Church of God, so that all humankind can receive Heavenly Father and Mother who came to save us, and enter Heaven.