It Is the Same Even Now

I have been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for seven years. I first started to attend the church when I was a college student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  I did not come from a religious family. My mom did not attend church. She would encourage me to go, but ultimately left it up to me.

As a teenager, I was eager to be connected with God. I would go to different churches on my own. When I went to those churches, I never felt that I was genuinely saved. I would attend the service and still pray to God not to let me leave this world without having salvation. Furthermore, I never felt that my lifestyle or attitude changed. I still remained the same.

It wasn’t until I began studying at the World Mission Society Church of God that I could truly have faith in God correctly and become confident in my salvation. I learned more from one bible study, than I ever learned in my entire life in any other church. Every teaching the church taught me  came directly from the Bible, yet the other churches I attended never taught or kept them. This gave me the confidence to say, “This is the true church.”

It is so profound to me that everything that happened at Jesus’ first coming repeats itself even now. There were many religious leaders who appeared to be knowledgeable about God, but were actually keeping the rules of men; it is the same now. 2,000 years ago Jesus chose those who were not wise, even by the standards of this earth, to preach the gospel. He chose people such as fishermen and taxed collectors, who did not appear qualified to most people. He educated them and gave them the ability to preach the gospel to all people. It is the same even now.

I give eternal thanks to God for allowing me to receive the gospel of Christ, the same gospel that was preached by the members of the early church and even giving me the opportunity to share this amazing truth with others. Please do not hesitate, but see for yourselves the truth that God has restored for us by studying with the World Mission Society Church of God.