The Church Where True God Is

I have been a member of the World Mission Society Church of God for approximately 11 years. I was raised catholic from birth and never really knew God. I loved God and wanted to follow God’s laws, yet I always felt empty and distant from God. On two different occasions, I set a goal for my new year’s resolution to read the entire bible. I would begin to read the first chapter in Genesis and would just stop reading because it was so confusing and I could not understand a word in the bible. Even though I attended the catholic church I don’t ever recall being taught directly from the bible. Everything I followed at that time was only tradition and falsehood based on man’s teachings.

In 2011, I was going through a difficult time in my life and the shallow faith I had at that time could not comfort me. It was that very year that the true God knocked on the door of my heart and allowed me to see the truth. I was working 12-hour night shifts as a respiratory therapist and the members of the Church Of God would study with me working around my busy schedule. I remember one week studying days in a row. I had many questions for them, since I had been deceived my entire life with false teachings. Everything was answered through the bible and I was able to understand.  

A short time after that, I was reborn as a child of God. I began to preach to my family with no results. My mom had strong roots in the catholic church, being a member for over 50 years. She thought she was in the true church, so in the beginning she would not accept. I didn’t let that discourage me as I knew that I was in the true church and God has the power to soften anyone’s heart. One by one God allowed them to come. My daughters, sister, grandchildren, and son-in-law came. After 7 years, my mom also studied the bible and realized that the Church of God is the only church that follows God’s commands and is now a practicing member.

Being a member of the Church of God has helped me become a better mom, wife, employee, sister and an honorable member of society. The members are always bright and eager to help others in need. If you are searching for God, you have come to the right place. Please take the time to study with us and you too can be a member of the most amazing church. The only church that follows God’s commands correctly.

Church of God member Maria Vallada