I Now Understand

My whole life, I’ve always had many questions about God and the Bible. I searched for the answers in many different churches. They weren’t in the Catholic Church that I was raised in, nor could I find them in the many Christian churches I visited as an adult. No matter where I went, my questions remained unanswered. Sermons that were given sounded nice for a moment, but never really stuck with me to the point where I could see a change in my heart and in my mind. I never felt welcomed or at home in any church and I always felt like something was missing.

Finally, when I came to the Church of God, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I could see things clearer than ever. All my questions about life were answered through the Bible. My heart was moved seeing how humble and welcoming the members were towards others and myself.  Every time I visit the church, it is as if I am going to visit my family at home. My life has changed for the better. Since coming to this church I began to look at things in a more positive manner. I feel more thankful even for the little things. 

Before, I never would’ve imagined myself doing volunteer work, but now I am able to do so by participating in the many activities carried out by the Church of God that bring much love to local communities. With the Church of God, I see the true love and light of God shining on the world and it has inspired me to be a better person by changing and helping others. I have learned so much by seeing all the examples of the selfless members and how they treat one another with care and unity. Most importantly, I have also learned how to follow all the beautiful examples given to us through the Bible. 

Looking back at all my experiences in my life, this is one experience I am truly thankful for. I am grateful to be a part of such a great church and to have learned everything I always wondered about through the Bible in such a short amount of time. These were things that I was never able to receive or understand attending other churches.  It’s just amazing!  I thank God for this great blessing of finding the Church of God and to be a part of such a big heavenly family.