My Life Has Completely Changed

I grew up in a family that rarely attended church or studied the word of God. I always believed that I needed to believe in God and that I was saved. This mindset got me through my childhood and much of my adult life. However, there came a time when I began feeling very uncertain of my faith, and I knew in my heart that I wasn’t saved. I started attending churches occasionally to try and get the answers I was seeking and still could not find them. It wasn’t until four years ago, in 2018, that my life changed forever. I got a knock on my door from Church of God members who were sharing the word of God in my neighborhood. The first thing they did was open up the bible and share with me the existence of God the Mother. I was so surprised seeing this, as I had never heard of this before nor knew it existed in the bible. Seeing the truth with my eyes, I knew I wanted to continue studying the bible more with this church. In the next and following studies, they began to show me, God, more and more through the bible; who God is, how we can recognize them, how they would come to this earth again, and how we can genuinely have salvation from God the Father, Christ Ahnsahnghong, and God the Mother, the Heavenly Jerusalem. We studied prophecies and parables in the bible and how each one was fulfilled, which gave me complete confidence in the word of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the teachings in the Church of God. I finally understand how God administered their work of redemption for our salvation and why we should keep their laws, commands, and feasts in Zion. My life has completely changed. I have never felt more purpose and understanding of who I am and where I will go. I strive daily to change the ways I once lived and make every effort to meet God and keep their commands in Zion. I notice a significant change in me; my friends and family also see it as a positive change. I am so thankful to God who came and opened my heart and eyes to recognize them correctly and I look forward to continuing to study my salvation with the Church of God.