The Bible is the Manual to Life

I had grown up knowing that there must be a super being, but did not know who or what to believe in. I was a science major and believed science was everything. I had lived my youth thinking this world contains the truth, everything was set up for the better of mankind. One day, I had thought it was interesting to see on the calendar the dates for both Saturday and Sunday would be red and aligned side by side as two days on the weekend. I was shocked to learn Sunday is the first day of the week, not the seventh day of the week. 

I started to question what world I am living in. My sister came to stay with me while going to school. Her questions about science made me think science is not the perfect truth. One stand-out question that I always wanted the answer: how do molecules know where and what to do? All of my questions and wonders were answered when my sister told me about the Church of God.

My sister in Vietnam wanted to share with me that the bible is fact, and that God exists. I hesitated to study the Bible and was stubborn to believe in the Bible. However, I was amazed and mind-blown at every Bible study, seeing all the prophecies being fulfilled even in this time frame. I became a member of the Church of God and now faithfully keep the commandments of God as they are written in the Bible, without adding or subtracting.

After attending the Church of God, I can see myself changing to be a better and more productive person. I learn to care, to love, to be joyful, to yield, to be humble, and to be confident in who I am. Although I am not perfect, the members in the Church of God embrace me as if I am a perfect person. They are like my real family. I know they embrace me because I, like themselves, have received the love of God and are practicing the teaching of God: love one another and consider others better than ourselves.

Without the Church of God, my harsh personal traits cannot be changed within a short time. I am thankful that God allowed me to attend the Church of God.