Christ Ahnsahnghong

The whole world is waiting for Christ to come back a second time to bring us salvation. The Bible testifies He must appear once again in order to restore the lost truth of the Bible and teach us the correct faith to have in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (Hebrews 9:28; Luke 18:8; Micah 4:1-2). But, how can we recognize Him? What is His purpose in coming a second time?  Where will he appear? In what form will he come? Who is the Second Coming Christ?
The Bible testifies that the Root of David, the Second Coming Christ, is the only One who can reveal the truth of the Bible and give us the way to eternal life (Revelation 5:1-5).

God the Mother

The whole Christian world believes in God our Father (Matthew 6:9; Hebrews 12:9). However, from the beginning of the Bible until the end, the Scriptures testify that we also have God our Mother (Genesis 1:26-17; Galatians 4:26; Revelation 22:17). Just like how physical fathers and physical mothers give physical life, God our Father and God our Mother give us eternal life. This is why we are called “children of God.” God the Mother, who is prophesied to appear in the last days, is now being revealed to all mankind. Let us believe in Her and receive eternal life from Her.

Feasts of God

God established seven feasts in three times to give us the forgiveness of sins, Holy Spirit, and eternal life. The feasts are as follows: the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus Christ established the new covenant through setting the example of teaching and keeping these feasts. When we keep the feasts of God, we can realize more about God’s sacrifice and love for us and ultimately receive salvation. God’s must people must keep the feasts of God in order to obtain salvation.
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The Truth of the Church of God

The Church of God believes in God the Father and God the Mother as described in the Bible. We keep the Passover of the new covenant and observe the seventh day Sabbath on Saturday, according to the example of Jesus Himself. Women wear veils during prayer or worship, but men do not wear anything on their heads. We reject the worship of the cross because it is an idol according to the Bible, and we do not celebrate Christmas because December 25 is the birthday of the sun god.
In these aspects, the Church of God is distinctly different from many other churches in the world.

Guidelines on the Life of Faith

  • What does the Bible teach about the virtues of Christians?
  • What should we pray about?
  • How should we greet the Sabbath day?
  • How should we treat one another?
  • What kind of words should we speak?

Common Knowledge of the Bible

How did the bible come to exist as we know it today? Was the bible ever changed over thousands of years? Who wrote the different books of the bible? Learn the common knowledge and history of the bible that helps us to put our trust and confidence in the Word of God and understand God’s will more clearly.

Historical Scene from the Bible

According to the bible, everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. Through examining the various records of the bible, we can come to learn valuable lessons about what type of faith we should have today and how God’s people can overcome the challenges of this life. What lessons do you think the stories of the bible give us?

Church of God on YouTube

About Christ Ahnsahnghong

Understand the time of Christ's 2nd coming and the prophecies he has fulfilled, so that we do not make the same mistake as the people who did not recognize Christ at His first coming 2000 years ago.

Church of God in News

See what the Church of God is accomplishing through various volunteer efforts and events, as the salt and the light of the world.

Children's Playground

Share short videos made for children to help them realize the love of God, the love of parents, and understand the world around us.

Truth Studies

Examine the Truth that separates the Church of God from other churches. Knowing the truth is very crucial to understanding God’s will and how we can follow God correctly.


Experience exhibitions such as 'Reading Father's Heart' and 'Our Mother' held by the Church of God. Both immersive and engaging, these experiences give yet another perspective of God’s amazing word.

New Songs

Enjoy New Songs, which give praise to God Elohim who is the Creator and our Savior. New Songs are soulful songs of the saints who have received a new life in God and have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.