Learning Gods’ True Commandments Through the Bible

My name is Wendy Romero. I am an elementary school teacher in the South Bay and I attend the Church of God in Torrance. I have been in the church for many years now, and my experience has been nothing but positive.

Growing up, I was always curious about the Bible and wanted to correctly understand the Word of God. However, I was confused, being surrounded by different religious groups, not knowing what church to attend. Then, one day my sister told me about this church. She told me it was a Bible-based church and that I would like it. Although I was skeptical, I gave it a chance. To my surprise, every Bible study was so eye-opening and logical.

I kept studying until I was convinced this was the Truth. Along the way, I did my own research to make sure everything I was learning was factual and backed up by evidence…and it was!

Every question I had was answered with the Bible. I have been in the church for 23 years now, and I’m still learning new things. The bible studies continue to be eye-opening and engaging, just like when I first started. 

Over time, I have become knowledgeable about the Bible’s teachings and commands for salvation, but I have also noticed a change in my personal life. After coming to the church, I have learned to be gentle, kind, polite, and grateful. I always try to be a positive light in this world. The positive impacts in my character, my family, and even my professional life all come from the teachings of Heavenly Mother. I feel very fortunate and blessed to have found the Church of God, and I am so proud to be a part of such a magnificent church.

Wendy Romero (Elementary School Teacher)