Walking The Path of Salvation

Before entering the Church of God, I had begun attending a Catholic church. I felt lost and unsure of what the future held for me. Every day, hardships and uncertainty burdened me. I remember praying to God on New Year’s Day, asking to come closer to Him. Although I didn’t fully know how to, I prayed earnestly to God. Before I knew it, it was towards the end of the year when God the Father and God the Mother called me. I remember my first study and the joy I felt that day. It was like a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t explain it then, but I realize now that the actual words of God had revived my soul. The troubles of life didn’t stop during my walk of faith. However, when I realized I was walking with God, my path became worth every tear and sacrifice. No longer did I need to look around to know what to do, but I could look up to God and follow the path They carefully set out for me.

The biggest realization I could take from entering the Church of God is that Father and Mother’s love knows no bounds, and They spare nothing to gather and refine Their children. Being in the Church of God has allowed me always to try my best to have a gracious mind in all that I do and a gentle heart towards everyone. Having a love of God within me allows me to spread the love They have shown me to everyone around me. God’s love runs throughout all the members of the Church of God. I thank Father and Mother for leading me back to Them. May all praise be to the Spirit and the Bride who freely give the water of life in the Church of God.

Karla Ibarra 

Church of God member